Online Membership Processing (Click Here)


For all information concerning the Glendale Field, please contact Adam Kline at:

For Mail In Applications

Download (Click Here) the membership application form..

Fill out the information required and along with the membership fee mail to

Glendale Valley Flyers Membership

P.O. Box 11104

Burbank, CA 91510

Glendale field Membership Fee $65.00

Glendale membership encompasses full benefits at both air feilds.


2024 Valley Flyers Full / Glendale Members

Abrahamson , Cody Myers, Michael Justin
Aguila, Tena "Homme" Nahas, Christian
Aguila, Tony Odorisio, Alex
Arbiv, Moshe Oganesyan, Erik
Ardila , John Pakfar, Jason
Benton , Noah Panosian, Varoj
Bieber, Ricc Phanthavong, Bounthaivanh aut
Bieber, Sherri Power, Lori
Borcherdt, E Rahr Rahr Ramos, Scott
Bovee, Christopher A. Rhoades, Charles
Brammer , Jim Rice, Robert
Broadnax, Marc Roe, Glen
Brown, Winston Rosenthal, Morton D.
Calderon, Mario Rubke, Scott
Chilton, John Jay Shamulus, Victor
Cohan, Aaron Shawkat, Zayed
David, Seth Sonheim, Richard
DeKeater, Stephen Sonnentag, Clifford
Dessertenne , Thierry Stoner, Mike
Elkouby, Binyamin Strasser, Benedict B.
Faber, Bruce Sutter, Mark
Fan, Xiaozhou Sweany, Dave
Fiffles, Jamie Sweet, Mario J.
Fullington, Gregg Taylor, Mr. Rodney S.
Gamble, Rand Temesvary, Bela
Gamboa, Alfredo b., Jr. Thompson, Chuck
Garrison, Steve Toro, Francisco
Goodall , Derek Torossian, KoKo
Gregorians , Areg Turner, Ken
Greutert, Kevin Wagner , Mark
Guske, Brad Wilson , Vaughn
Gutierrez , Aleshia Won, Deboroh
Hanniball , Wade Won, Joshua
Harfman , Jason Woods, Adam
Hession , Paul Wright, Ken
Hicks, John Wesley Youmans , Thomas
Hosticka, Grant
Jarvis , Andrew
Johnson , Kent
Kline, Adam
Kuhn, Kevin
Laulom, Clarence
Laulom, Lawrence
Lee, Victor
Lopez, Abilio
Magbanua, Bert B.
Malcolm, Tyler
Mansfield, Jason
Miller, Frank